Empower users, expand opportunities
In industries across the world — finance, retail, iGaming, healthcare and more — accounts are being compromised. In large part, that’s because so many businesses and users still rely on passwords, a security approach long past its prime as an invention of the 1960s.
Trusona is on the front lines of technology showing people a better way with passkeys. We’ve designed passwordless authentication built for the way people live — and which helps companies move beyond the vulnerabilities of passwords and SMS OTP.
Passkeys, an open standard enabled and supported by the major platform vendors like Apple, Google and Microsoft, are phishing-resistant and cannot be hacked and stolen en masse like usernames and passwords.
Do more with passwordless
One of the greatest perks of passkeys is their simplicity. There aren’t long, complex passwords to remember or extra layers of MFA to contend with. It’s just a streamlined sign-in experience that gets users into their accounts quickly while eliminating password reset frustrations and costs.
Trusona’s passkey-as-a-service platform and SDK help organizations rapidly passkey-enable their websites without the heavy-lifting of doing it themselves. The benefits include:
- Time-to-value in only weeks
- No additional resources required
- Low fixed costs and delivery risk
- Swift, simple sign-ins for customers
Authentication you can count on
In any security matchup, passkeys outperform passwords. By removing passwords, Trusona takes the biggest vulnerability out of the hands of users. This instantly mitigates eight of the most common attack vectors, like SIM swapping, keylogging, credential replay and credential stuffing.
Beyond security — when compared to passwords — passkeys offer four times faster sign-ups and sign-ins as well as a 100% first try sign-in success rate. That means happier customers and happier customers means more revenue.
The difference is clear.
How can we help?
Learn how Trusona can improve your business with passwordless authentication.